Who Am I?

Arif Luqman Nadhirin is a student at Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. He was born on April, 5 1986 in Kendal Central Java. He is a son of Mr. Senadi and Mrs. Sri Suwarni. He completed his Elementaty School at MI Muhammadiyah Sukorejo in 1998, Junior High School at Madrasah Mu’alimin Jepara in 2001. in 2004 he graduated from his Senior High School at Madrasan Mu’alimin.

His child age until he had completed his Elementary School he had spended it with his family in his hometown. In 1998 he had moved away to Jepara and he had been living there for 6 years till he pass his Senior High School. After he had passed his school, he had moved away to Bojonegoro to does his school function. And in 2005 he has been a student at Islamic Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta and his depertment is Islamic Education.

To be continue…


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